you're all just living in it


30 Minutes a Day

I realized that writing my Morning Pages takes about 30 minutes, And 30 minutes feels very doable to work on this website. I’ve decided that could include writing, editing a drafted post, or figuring out how to use the website.

Like just today, I figured out how to resize the photos for the blog post landing page (Aren’t I so web-saavy using words like “landing page” and “resize”?!). But then it got me thinking, “Do I need to add photo to every blog post?” I feel annoyed at the idea. This’ll just become one big stock image library search engine for pictures about “writing” and “typing on laptop.”

I used to write all the time when I was performing standup comedy—constantly engaging my mind and jotting down frivolities. That’s what the Morning Pages are for now. This website is a bit more intentional. Less blah and more ahhh. That could make for a good t-shirt.

That is my intention.