you're all just living in it

Answers from the Jooniverse

Deciding Where to Live as a Writer

Name: Anonymous

Subject: Deciding Where to Live

Message: As a young artist, especially a writer or screenwriter, how do you decide where to live? Especially in our new virtual world?

“Especially in our new virtual world” is a powerful new territory to explore. Some writing fellowships once restricted to local residents are now opening its doors to people from all over, like the CAPE New Writers Fellowship. This year’s Sesame Writers Room fellowship was done virtually for the first time. Taking advantage of these kinds of opportunities is one way to go. If anything, you’ll come out with a new writing sample!

Even reaching out to writers of television shows you admire (maybe don’t reach out to Vince Gilligan), is much more possible to have a virtual coffee meeting because people are now more comfortable with the idea. Why you should consider it: (1) you can introduce yourself (2) learn what the person does day to day to see if that’s something you’re interested in (3) advocate for yourself and say you’re a writer looking to learn more about how to get in. These kinds of meetings helped me immensely. But before you reach out, have some writing samples available because they may want to read them. They could be a screenplay, a spec script of a TV show, comedy sketches, drama plays—anything to show your sensibility. Writing samples can do a lot to show your ability to write story structure, character banter, and/or your perspective.

Here’s a direct message or email you could send to the person within the field or genre you’re interested in:

Hi So and So,

I’m a young writer interested in learning more about (insert your interested field: television/movie/dramatic/comedic/etc) writing. Would you be open to a virtual coffee informational? I’d love to ask you questions about your day to day work and your path to becoming a professional writer.

Thank you!

Your name

If the person is working, writing schedules can be brutal so they might not answer you immediately. Don’t be offended. Just keep reaching out to folks.

What’s lovely about being a writer/screenwriter is that you could do it ANYWHERE in the world, virtual or not. Type away or grab a pen and notepad. Right now, as of October 2020, you can be a writer anywhere.

But, I guess, if you’re being sponsored to live anywhere you want, then probably: Los Angeles for movie and television writing, New York for journalism or playwriting, and Toronto/LA/NY/London for kids television. But, right now, if you don’t have a job lined up already, you can be unemployed as a writer anywhere so may as well save up where you are and keep on writing!

-The Jooniverse