you're all just living in it

Answers from the Jooniverse

Protecting Ourselves as a Species

From: Steve O.

Subject: intelligence

Message: I don't think there's any point in (supposedly) being smarter than most other animals if we behave stupider. How is that protecting us as a species?

Dear Steve O,

Wouldn’t it be funny if you were THE Steve O from Jackass? You probably get that all the time. I’m sorry to make you relive that. But remember when Steve got launched while he was inside a porta-potty? Or when he got hit with a teeball in the nuts? Or when he snorted wasabi?

One could argue he’s being “stupider” than animals by putting himself in harm’s way. But in a lot of ways, he’s the trailblazer who shows the rest of us, “Oh, yeah, we shouldn’t do that. Thanks for showing us what we need to do if we find ourselves in an alligator pit.

Thanks Steve O. And thank you, Steve O, for the perspective.

-The Jooniverse